Follow these few simple steps to maximize the accuracy of your InBody scan.

maintain normal fluid intake the day prior
stand upright for around 5 minutes prior to testing
remove socks or pantyhose
remove all heavy accessories like jewelry, watches, jackets, etc.
warm yourself up for 20 minutes in cold weather
use the restroom prior to testing
eat or exercise for at least 3 hours
consume alcohol or excess caffeine for at least 24 hours
shower or use a sauna immediately prior to use
use lotion or ointments on your hands and feet
For women, it is recommend that the scan not be conducted during menstruation as this alters water balance. Additionally, for maximum accuracy of long term tracking, it is recommended that repeat testing should be conducted during the same phase of your cycle.
The InBody body composition scan is contraindicated during pregnancy and for patients with pacemakers. Otherwise, it is a great tool for everyone and is validated between ages 3 and 99 and weights between 22 and 595 pounds.
Wonder what to expect at your InBody Scan? Check out this article here!